Friday, September 23, 2011

RE: to Mr. Sutherland's But What is "Poverty"

Wealth and poverty is a means that people use to distinguish classes in society. When it is said, the first thing that people automatically think of is money.
During the discussion yesterday in class,someone said that people should donate when they are financially stable. I think that shows that some people don't really care that much about people in need. I think that a lot of people are financially stable, they just don't think they are. The reason is that they have many secular wants that aren't really needs. A lot of people can be helped if people chose to spend less on materialistic things.

Some people think that there is nothing wrong with being rich, but I think that being really rich is being FILTHY rich. With money comes many problems that people don't think about. When people have money, they tend to look down on others, gamble, do drugs, and other bad things. I know that that does not apply to everyone, but I feel that it does apply to a majority. Money also comes with emotional problems because you never know whether the people around you really like you or is just treating you as a friend with benefits. I think that people should focus more on being satisfied with what they have. It is the most beautiful thing when people give a lot of charity even though they do not have much. The reason that those kinds of people are not recognized is because the amounts they give is little in comparison to people who give millions. But if people have alot and still do after they give, that means they have made basically no sacrifice at all.

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