Wednesday, September 21, 2011

CE: Typhoon Roke Hits Japan

It is unfortunate that although Japan has been hit by two big earthquakes this past year, it got hit by yet another typhoon. I remember the earthquake earlier this year that caused an uproar in the Bay Area. Everyone was concerned that the radiation would damage us in terms of our health and people were scared to go outside. Good thing that it was in amounts that were not dangerous. Luckily, these days, when big natural disasters occur, there are charitable organizations that fundraise and donate to help with the relief. I remember that for the Japan earthquake, my Red Cross Club sold silly bands and Alameda High had a food faire specifically for Japan's earthquake. By selling pasta at the food fair, we were able to earn over two hundred dollars. Hopefully, there will be a lot of donations for Japan's recovery from Typhoon Roke.
I worry that that the Bay Area will be hit by a powerful earthquake or other natural disaster because I question whether we will be able to recover quickly. Even though Japan is so technologically advanced it is still in recovery. I think that there will not be as many casualties if cities were not so modernized. During natural disaster, most people die not from the disaster itself, but from materialistic things. For example, during fires, people have a hard time escaping because buildings are so tall nowadays. Also, during floods or hurricanes, most people die not from drowning but slamming into hard materials.

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