Monday, September 26, 2011

CE: Mexico drug war victims call for justice
from Aljazeera

Though Mexico is right next to the United States, the standards of living are so different. While the United States is one of the "top dog" countries, Mexico is fairly poor. Because of its poverty, gangs compete to sell drugs to earn money. It is sad that Mexican civilians that do not participate in the violence have to live with a fear in their hearts that they can be killed if they just happen to come across it. It is a shame that the government fails to protect its people; I mean, how is it possible that people are shot in broad daylight and the murderers are still roaming around free. With no government, the people can only turn to churches for comfort.

It is pathetic that the new governor is not trying to seek justice for the murder case three years ago just because it was not in his term. Because of this,Ana, the mom of one of the victims, has given up on seeking justice for her son. No wonder so many Mexicans sneak across the border. Since Americans do not like Mexicans coming over and doing unfavorable things such as taking away jobs, some that want a better life cannot pursue one. However, it is ironic because I read in a Time magazine that the U.S. is considered a supporter of the Mexico's drug industry because it is a large purchaser of those drugs. I also read tat there is a lot of corruption in the Mexican police force, with officers cooperating with drug sellers.

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