Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Biweekly :UC Prompt #2

This past summer, I went to Red Cross’s leadership development camp at Santa Clara University. There I got to meet many people from the Bay Area and Silicon Valley Chapters of the American Red Cross and also three international interns. We were separated into clans and I happened to end up at the Purple Grapes Clan.The first night that we were there, we ate dinner together with our clans.It was awkward since we all barely knew each other; I only knew Jin, Joan, and Brian since Jin and Joan were part of the Red Cross Yes Team in Alameda and Brian attended the youth executive board meetings. I happened to sit next to a boy that was a total stranger to me. There was an awkward silence that I felt like I should break by starting a conversation. However, I guess I was too slow and he asked me a question first. It was a casual conversation just asking about school related things, but little did I know that it would contribute to a memorable experience.

Througout the four days that we were at LDC, our clan participated in a series of group bonding activities such as personal sharings of leadership experiences, first aid and cpr, doing a clan anthem and skit, search and rescue, the clan dance. After a while, I felt that I really liked to talk to Brandon and to joke around with him, though I wasn't sure if he liked talking to me. During the "Maintaining a Red Cross Club" activity, I saw him standing by himself, playing with a chair. I asked him to come join me and my fellow Red Cross members from Alameda. In the beginning, he was reluctant, saying that he was antisocial. In the end, I just dragged him to my table because I couldn't stand him being alone. I continued to talk with him; this girl, Yuwen, that was also in my clan, Brandon, and I joke in Chinese that we were best friends. I also sent him a secret note since there was a secret buddy system. Sometimes, I think that he must’ve been annoyed by me.

During the last day, when we had to sign our clan member’s card, he wrote a message that touched me. He thanked me for talking to him and that he considered me as a best friend. I felt so happy; It made me feel that my efforts to be friends with him were all worth it. I am proud that when I am with someone thats not that talkative, I try to take the initiative to make friends even though I get scared. This reminds me of how Brandon said that he was antisocial. He must've taken a big leap of faith when he deicded to talk to me that night during dinner. This taught me that as long as you try reach out to someone, you can end up making a friend. I hope that I can continue to take that initiative and for Brandon to do so also.

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