Friday, September 23, 2011

Free :Tennis

During the summer, when tennis practice first started, Sally, Kim, and I were really nervous that we were not going to make the team because we felt that we were in the "reject" group. However, over time we were no longer in there. I was sad that I had no permanent partner to play with since Kim and Sally were partners. During tryouts I had to play singles against others. I was so happy when I made it on the team because Coach Courtland told me that I was the last one to make the cut. But that happiness has faded since then because I found out that I might be playing singles for the rest of the season.

Since I don't have a doubles partner, I have been playing singles in the matches against other school. This makes me nervous and at times I want to cry. I feel like I do not have the mental strength to play because I get nervous and I cannot hit like I do when I rally. The box for playing singles is also much smaller and I can't volley. I am scared for the league matches that I coming up. I am scared that I will lost in one of the deciding matches. I feel that it would be inappropriate to tell the coaches that I do not want to play singles but I am really scared. I have already lost my matches during the second day of Fresno and against St. Mary's.

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