Friday, September 16, 2011

Response to "Senior Schedule"

"I decided to reward myself of what I would call a dream schedule."- Nathan Wong

This year, I also have 0-4th period and it truly is a dream schedule. In the beginning, I had 1-5th period and now that I changed, I see that it makes a big difference.It is great not having to rush during lunch and 0 period goes by so fast. The best day of the week is Tuesday; when I get off school I still have four hours to myself before tennis practice starts. During my sophomore and my junior year, I took 0-6 and it was so dreary.

I am enjoying senior year so far and I look forward for all the senior events to come. I especially look forward to senior prom and the senior picnic. When I heard the rumor that Ms.Lara cancelled the picnic, I was so sad, but thankfully it wasn't true. Though college applications might not be that fun, I'm sure that I will manage. I pray that I will not procrastinate, especially since I do not have much homework, and not be able to turn in my application because the system broke down.

I really can't believe that this will be my last year at Alameda High. Sigh, time just keeps on going by faster and faster. I am excited to go off to college, but I will definitely miss all my friends. It's sad that even though we have known eachother for so long, yet eventually we have to go our separate ways.I hope that there will not be a lot of drama and that this will be a memorable year for everyone.

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