Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Response to Kristen's 9/11 current event

"This growing fear of losing security has made politicians promise things that cannot be done. In my opinion, to improve homeland security would be a HUGE task to handle. You cannot predict people's movements and thoughts, so it makes taking the next step a hard one." -Kristen He

I agree strongly with this statement. This makes me question whether the troops in Afghanistan will ever come back. Obama is bringing back all the troops from Iraq, but 66,000 will still remain in Afghanistan, leading to many Americans thinking that Obama was not as progressive as we had hoped for. The war against terror has been over a decade so that even hardcore Republicans are starting to be swayed. Because the war is a matter of morality and U.S. security, Obama was not able to keep his promise of pulling out troops quickly. Dealing with the Middle East is a huge task do to because it involves spending a lot of money, money that the U.S. does not currently have.

It is true that the terrorist's movements are unpredictable, but they are less of a threat now. In a recent Meet the Press news show, Senator John Kerry, talked of a recent plane crash in Afghanistan. It was in a way positive since it was not a large scale attack. This shows that the terrorists are not currently capable of one. Since threat from Afghanistan is dwindling, I think that the U.S. needs to go back to nation building instead of continuing its position as the police power in the world. This also reminds me that the U.S. should also not have involved itself in Libya, that Obama violated the War Powers Resolution, and that once Gadaffi is dealt with, U.S. troops should not stay there for peace keeping.

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