Monday, September 26, 2011

RE: to Start Realizing

"We get the fact that you hate your lifeand how your life sucks, but open your eyes and realize how thankful you are tobe here in the first place. People don’t realize how lucky they are to havewhat they already have. If you have a shelter, food, water, family and friendswho care about you, then you’re pretty lucky in my book."

I agree that lots of people do not realize how much they have. They always think about the things that they do not have instead of thinking of those that they do have that other people don't. People need to count their blessings more and getting caught up in jealousy towards others. It would be really tragic if people in third world countries or those in crises hear us complaining of such insignificant things when they are going through more suffering than we are. This reminds me of this thing that I heard one time about how there are people in Africa that worry whether they have enough to eat while we worry about what kind of food we want to eat.

Because of this, I get really angry at people that want millions of dollars and think that they will be happy; it is such a false view. They believe that money makes the world go round when it ultimately does not. Most of the things that they claim they need are not needs, they are wants. They do not realize that no matter how much materialistic things they have, they will keep on wanting more; it's an endless cycle. With money comes a lot of problems such as temptation of gambling and corruption. Instead of focusing their minds on secular things, people should focus more on helping those in need. Because most of us have grown up in fairly nice conditions given many things, we should be expected to give more to others.

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