Wednesday, October 12, 2011

RE: to Angela's "Friend"

"There was sometimes that I see a couple ofpeople as good friends (or even important friends), but found out that they speakill of me behind my back. That was a horrible feeling, feels like some one stabhardly on my back with a knife, some one that I do not expect." -Angela Zhou

Getting betrayed by your friend, especially your best friend, is one of the worst feelings in the world. I am sorry that Angela had to experience that and I can relate to her because I have experienced those types of situations too, but I feel that it is too personal to tell them aloud. It really takes an emotional toll on me and I feel like it is something that I will never forget for the rest of my life. I will never feel the same about that person again. I have to admit that I am a hypocrite though; even though I hurt a lot from other talking behind my back, I have to say that there are situations where I do that too. Sometimes I am two-faced, but
I hope that I can get rid of that habit.

Being betrayed makes me feel ignorant and stupid. When you are all smiling at a person and thinking that this person is so nice, you would never think that they actually don't like you. It also makes me question that maybe its not his/her fault, maybe its mines. Maybe I am mean, insensitive, and just not a good friend in general. I hope to better myself so that others will have nothing bad to say about me. I also hope that the people that I will be friends with in the future will be genuine friends that don't take that stab at me. However, I am also thankful that right now, I am pretty confident that most of my friends are genuine ones :).

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