Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Free: A response to the video on Occupy Oakland

From the video, that I watched today in English class, I recall that Zac said that he believes that the United States should not have a representative democracy because it has failed to represent the people, and instead we should have a pure direct democracy. I do not really agree with that because from what I learned in government class, it would be inefficient and it would not protect minority rights. In a direct democracy, everyone would be able to vote in every single matter. If national votes were taken on a daily basis, then issues would be stagnant. Also, if everything was based on majority rule, then minorities would definitely be at a disadvantage. Say, if people wanted to get rid of all people in a general category, that would be unjust. This would lead to "mob rule". The government was not made to satisfy the opinions of the public, but to do what it takes even against people's wishes to make the public better.

In response to the video, I think that corporations should be taxed higher. From a video that I watched on Elizabeth Warren, she said that millionaires and billionaire, should be obligated to give back because without other people they would have never reached the positions that they were in now. It is definitely not fair that such a small population has a big chunk of the money when there are people that are practically on the brink of survival. However, one can also argue that it would be a bad idea to tax corporations because that would discourage them from hiring more workers. I think that that is a poor argument since most corporations are just hoarding money that could be used to hire more people. If the government raises taxes, they can use that money to sponsor more public jobs.

1 comment:

  1. While you make valid points, one must take a look at what exactly a direct democracy would look like. The theory manifest itself in a form of government in which people collectively make decisions for themselves, rather than having their political affairs decided by representatives. The people as a collective whole would decide laws through referendums, initiatives, and recalls. At the very least, I would settle for a deliberative democracy, nothing more.
