Friday, October 21, 2011

CE:Anti-government TV channel fined in Venezuela

The Venezuluan government is purposely trying to get rid of this last anti-government TV channel. They are trying to do so indirectly by fining it a massive amount of $2.16 million, to fine it out of existence.Though its broadcasts can lead to public anxiety, I think that the public should have the right to know that there are prison riots going on in their nation. It seems like there is nothing wrong with people knowing about riots or maybe I think that becasue the political culture of Venezuela differs greatly from that of the United States. If the government hides things from its people, then it might not be making the right decisions regarding those situations without the influence of public opinion. The government must be doing something wrong or else they should not have to worry about such types of channels.

In the Constitution of the United States, we all have the right to the freedom of the press. However, there are still things that the government does not expose that mostly have to do with foreign policy.It is dfficult to draw the line to what should be allowed for people to see and what shouldn't be allowed since some things could lead to unnecesary panic and undercover work needs to be kept top secret. I wonder what type of people are running the TV channel since they set out to condemn the government. It leads me to question whether they want to overthrow the governemt and start a revolution.

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