Wednesday, October 12, 2011

CE: Trial of 'underwear' bomber begins in US

Reading this makes me feel ignorant because I have no idea of the things that are going on in the world around me. I had no idea that such an event had happened back in 2009. This makes me question whether the airport security is tight enough these days. Most people think that it is already a hassle to be checked so thoroughly and you are only allowed to bring a limited amount of liquid with you in your luggage. With a bomb being able to slip by security, I might think that sooner of later, they are gonna check people's clothing thoroughly also.

I do not understand how Al-Qaeda is able to convince people to give up their lives in these situations and that of 9/11. I wonder what kind of ideology must be imposed to them for them to think that it is right to take so many people's lives. Luckily, the plan backfired, which I think is due to karma. Al-Qaeda tried to inflict damage at its peak by choosing to have those people die on Christmas day which would be especially devastating to family members; those people were probably going back home to spend the holidays with their family.I noticed that the suicide bomber was a man from Nigeria and that does not make much sense to me because from what I know, Al-Qaeda only involves the Middle East. I guess that shows that many countries have bad relations with the United States, probably because it exercises so much police power in the world.

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