Friday, October 21, 2011

Free: New Voter Legislation

I recently learned in government class that the government is imposing new laws where people can only vote if they have a photo I.D. This new legislation will leave a lot of potential Democratic voters from voting; many poor, young, and elderly people do not have access to getting such an I.D. since they do not have a driver's license. I was neutral in my views, but I have now leaned more to being against it. It's true that since you have to show an I.D. to get on an airplane, use a credit card, and many other important tasks, then it should make sense to provide one for something so important as voting, but the Republicans are clearly not passing legislation for the right purposes of for the benefit of the public.

I feel that the Republicans are not trying to do what they claim this new legislation to be for. They say that it is to prevent voter fraud. However, from articles that I have read, voter fraud is so minimal that it makes little difference in elections. The Republicans are directly targeting Democrats so that they can win elections since although we cannot assume that the Democratic Party has a monopoly for the elderly, minorities, or the poor, it is true that most of the people in those certain groups support the Democratic Party. I think that this is an unfair way in which the political elite is trying to take advantage of those that are politically inferior.

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