Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Should Euthanasia be legal?

The debate topic this week in my modern world history class is "Should euthanasia be legal?".
When I first heard my teacher say euthanasia, I and a lot of other people thought that he said
"youth in Asia." Later on I found out the real word and that it means physician-assisted suicide. I had a hard time reading the information I found at;I did not understand this one thing about slippery slope. After spending hours on it, this is what I have:


Euthanasia should be legal because people have the right to choose death. Right to life includes a right to death. The American Civil Liberties says that a ban on euthanasia interferes with a person's liberties. By granting a person the right to choose death, the person has a choice and can exercise his/her rights and choose not to use it. Also, euthanasia will greatly reduce health care spending. The money saved can be used of other things or for others that have definite chances of survival.

Euthanasia is justified when life becomes excruciatingly painful and is no longer beneficial to the patient. Those that are ill with a terminal disease have torrent ahead of them; the disease will kill them slowly to the point where they lose their identity and can not even be considered alive. They might be brain dead,but yet their heart is still beating with the help of modern technology. Euthanasia is more humane than removing life support. I read this piece of information where it was decided to let this person die. Since euthanasia was not legalized, life support was removed and she died from starvation. A physician-assisted death helps grant the patient an easy death. It is more humane to let people choose how they want to end their life. Physicians know the amounts of dosages of certain drugs to provide a painless death.


Euthanasia should not be made legal. It interferes with religious beliefs; it is not a natural death as God intended. According to Wesley Smith, a consultant of the International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force, Euthanasia interferes with the equality-of -human-life ethic, in which the protection of human life is society's primary priority. Physicians should not be directly involved in the death of an individual. It would have them break the Hippocratic Oath they gave to never give poison to a person. Also, it does not make sense for a physician to help a person commit suicide because their primary role is to be a healer according to the American Medical Association.

Euthanasia is usually for patients with terminal diseases and only six months to live. It would be more reasonable to let them live for those months since it is not very long and modern medicine can relieve pain. That way they would be able to spend that time with their family. When the patient has the poison in hand, it encourages doctors to not care for the patients properly. They find no motive to care for the patient since they will die soon.

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