Friday, March 19, 2010

summer and next school year are approaching

As the days are getting hotter and the third quarter is ending, I'm starting to think about what classes I want to take next year. Some people have already gotten called down by their counselors. I want to get called down soon and see what classes are recommended for me. The schedule that I had mentally planned out in my head were 0 period Spanish 3, AP Calculus, English 3, APES or AP physics,and regular US history. I don't know what to take for my electives. Art is boring, I already took Current Life, and for dance I don't know how to choreograph a dance to teach the class without a partner. I am not interested in many of the electives that are offered.

I also started thinking about my plans for summer break even though its not that close to the end of the school year. Even though summer is suppose to be a time of relaxation, I want to take classes at Laney College. I plan to take Chinese 2 since I took Chinese 1 last summer. I also want to take Japanese, but it's kind of a hassle having to get a transcript. I had planned to take it last summer, but the lady at the administration's office told me that I would not be able the workload for both classes. In the end, I wished I never agreed with her that I would not be able to keep up. The Chinese class turned out to be one of the easiest classes that I ever took and the homework only took 5 minutes.

The reasons that I want to learn and improve in languages is because it helps me learn more about a certain culture. Being Chinese, I think that it is appropriate that I know my native language. I have had a good experience learning Spanish at school. With the vocabulary words that I learned I can read some store signs that I pass by on my way to my grandma's house; I feel less clueless while looking at foreign words. This makes me feel bad for immigrants that don't know the English language. I wonder how they communicate in a place where everyone speaks English and they can get easily tricked.

During the summer, I like to go on vacation. I love visiting new places because it broadens my world. The past years I have gone to LA and Florida. This year, I know that I will not be going on a trip because my sister told me that we cannot afford it due to the declining economy. But even if we could afford it, I won't be able to go out of the country which is what I really want to do. Having my parent's consent for permission to go out of the country would be a hassle since my dad is all the way in China and my mom is ill. I still hope that summer at home will be enjoyable and so will the next school year that is arriving at such a fast pace.

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