Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Lovely Bones #3

Finally! I am finished with this book! It took a lot of effort because it was so boring. Alice Seabold puts unnecessary details that make the story draggy. When I am reading I think to myself, " Just hurry up and get to the part where Mr. Harvey is arrested!"

"Then suddenly, Franny and Holiday were gone...I came to realize that the marvelous weight weighing me down was the weight of the human body."(p342)

This part took me by surprise. While I was reading, I wondered if Susie would ever be able to see her family again and then this happens. Susie's spirit is inside Ruth's body. However, it is only for a short period of time until she is forced to be among the dead again. Even though it was only for a while, I think it satisfied her longing of earth. I expected that she would call her parents and tell them the details of Mr. Harvey, but all she did was spend time with Ray and make a phone call to Buckley. Susie is always looking down upon Earth which makes me wonder if their are spirits surrounding me wherever I go. This gives me a feeling of self-consciousness and goosebumps.

"But as she walked forward into the room, everyone else- her so, her daughter, her mother- fell way... She held his hand and cried silently, letting the tears come freely. " Hello ocean eyes," he said."(p305-306)

This was the moment that I was waiting for since the chapter "Snapshots" between Chapters sixteen and seventeen. When Susie's mom left the family to go to New Hampshire and then to California, I had a feeling of disapproval towards her. She goes back to her husband without ever confessing that she had an affair with Len Fenerman. She leaves her children for seven years, not doing her duty as a mother.

"a moment later the icicle fell. The heavy coldness of it threw him off balance just enough for him to stumble and pitch forward. It would be weeks before the snow in the ravine melted enough to uncover him." (p371)

I had imagined a big scene in the end with the police restraining Mr. Harvey and taking him to the Salmon's house. They would curse at him and grieve for Susie. My hunches were wrong though. His death turned out to be a quiet one. Karma got him in a way, but I think that he got off too easily considering he was only paying one life for all those that he had taken.

How were you expecting the story to end? Were you satisfied with the ending?

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