Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Yesterday, was the first day of the tryouts for swimming. I can't believe that it is already February; this school year is going by so fast. I felt like tennis season just ended. When I was walking to swimming practice with Shuying, I passed by the tennis courts and I saw the boys' tennis team tryouts. It made me nostalgic and eager to play tennis again. I was not looking forward to swimming ever since they announced the informational meetings during the announcements. It made me recall some painful experiences from swimming last year. It was painful getting into the swimming pool when the water was freezing cold. Diving was horrible; I always did a belly flop and was so scared to try again. When I was swimming, water got into my nose. Also, I was slow while swimming during the meets.

The tryouts for last years JVB and the newcomers were from 5:00 to 6:00 P.M. When it was starting, the Varsity and last year's JVA were getting out of the pool. There were so many people doing swimming this year; someone told me that there were about 75 girls trying out. It actually turned out to be better than I expected though. I actually had a lot of fun. It was probably because alot of my friends tried out too. I was able to swim with Jenny, Amanda Huang, Amanda Ha, Grace, Yi Qin, and Shuying. We practiced kicking with the board, dolphin kick, breaststroke, and freestyle. I was tired after the first lap in the small pool. I had become so unfit.

Practice ended a little early. After showering, there was a meeting. Then, Shuying's dad drove me home despite my insisting to walk. Today the practice starts right afterschool. I really see that being part of the swim team last year, I was able to improve in my swimming. I now swim faster and my technique is a little better. I hope for the best for the coming season.

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