Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Statement of Purpose

There are many topics that Iplan to write about. The ideas that I was able to brainstorm were music, anime, food, clothes, books, Rumblefighter, Chinese dramas, tennis, swimming, family, and my trip to Disneyworld over the summer. There are many topics that I did not list because I feel that these are the only ones in which I will not get stuck coming up with ideas. I would like to write about these topics because they are things I like and are aspects of my life. Through writing about them, I can think back to the past, enjoy my memories, and reflect on how different things have played certain roles in my life.
For anime, I can write endlessly about the summary of certain stories. I can express my opinions of different characters and my predictions of how the stories will end. Comparisons between Japanese dubbed versions, English subbed versions, and books can be made. For movies I can pretend to be like a critic and give my own ratings and criticism. I have watched so many movies throughout my life time, I shouldn't run out of ideas. For music, I can talk about different artists and types of music. The media is an endless topic.
The thing that I love the most in life is food. I can talk about nutrition facts of all kinds of foods and the health benefits or problems relating to diet. Food is a good topic to write about because it is expandable to to other subjects such as heart disease and cancer. I can list foods that are suppose to help aid against diseases.
I really hope that my blog and this English class will help me improve my writing because I am a terrible writer. Everytime I have to write, especially for essays, I sigh and get nervous. I think to myself: "OMG! What am I going to write? I won't be able to write enough !" I usually end up thinking most of the time and my paper stays blank. I want my writing to be more natural, expressive, and captivating to readers. There are also grammar problems that I want to improve.

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