Wednesday, September 16, 2009


My favorite character in Naruto and the Shippuuden version is Ino Yamanaka. She is the prettiest girl in the Hidden Leaf Village. She has long blond hair and is an excellent kunoichi (female ninja). She specializes in medical ninjitsu, genjustsu (illusion techniques), and kekkai ghenkai (bloodline limits). With her mystical palm technique, she can heal her comrades using her chakra. Her most powerful justsu is the ability to do mind body switch. She can enter the body of humans and animals and take control over them. However, there is a downfall to this technique. When she is in another's body, her own body is left vulnerable and she is unable to return to her body until a few minutes have passed by.

In her village all the ninjas are grouped into squads based on their abilities. Ino is part of Team Ten with Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi. Their master is Asuma Sarutobi. Shikamaru uses shadows to paralyze his enemies. He is lazy and thinks everything is a drag. The ironic thing is that he has an IQ of over two hundred. Choji is chubby and can never be seen not eating. He can supersize his body for strong taijusu techniques. The ninjas in the village are separated into four different ranks which are genin, chuunin, jounin, and the hokage who is the village leader. Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji all took part in the chuunin exams to try to promote themselves. Ino and Choji lost in their battles in the preliminaries. Shikamaru made it to the finals and gave up, but was promoted for using his brains in battle.

InoShikaCho took action again in Naruto Shippuuden. They fought against Akatsuki, an organization of missing ninja even more powerful than even jounins. They, along with Kakashi, the jounin leader of Team Seven, sought out Hidan and Kakazu in order to seek revenge for their late master who was killed by them. The two Akatsuki members were too powerful for them; Hidan cannot be killed by physical techniques and Kakazu had five hearts and could use all the chakra types ( water, fire, wind, earth, and thunder). When they were about to die, a backup squad came and rescued them. Shikamaru, with his over 200 IQ was able to trap Hidan in a forest and Naruto, from the backup squad, defeated Kakazu with his new technique, the Rasengan.

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