Monday, September 21, 2009


Orphan is the best horror movie ever! Kate loses her child while she is pregnant and she continues to have nightmares about it. She and her husband, John, take a visit to the orphanage and are drawn to a appearingly bright nine year old girl named Esther, who supposedly came from an orphanage in Russia. The couple adopts her into the family and make her well at home. Esther gets along with John and Kate's daughter, Max but is disliked by their son, Daniel, who thinks that Esther is odd and denies her as a sister.

News arrives from the nun, Sister Abigail who works at the orphanage John and Kate visited, that the orphanage in Russia has never heard of Esther before. There were also many accidents that happened before in which Esther was always in the scene. One of the incidents was when a boy killed himself while falling with a pair of scrissors in his mouth. He and Esther coincidentally had an argument before his death. John and Kate do not believe that Esther would do such a thing and reassure the nun that all those things were just coincidences. The nun leaves and she brakes her car because she sees Max appear out of nowhere in the middle of the road (Max was pushed out to the road by Esther). She gets out of the car, but is hit in the back of the head with a hammer by Esther. She rolls down the hill and tries to run but couldn't escape with her injury. Esther then jams the hammer at her head until she dies. Another nun from the orphanage calls and reports that Sister Abigail did not return.

Esther hides her and Max's bloodstained clothes in their treehouse. Daniel knows that Esther killed Sister Abigail, because one time she put a knife in front of his throat when he was in bed, asks Max where Esther hid the evidence. He finds out that they are hidden in the treehouse. Daniel goes to the treehouse and is caught in a fire and locked in by Esther. He climbs out the window and clings on to a branch. He falls and hits his head on a rock. Kate and John arrive and take Daniel to the hospital. No one knows if he'll live or die......

1 comment:

  1. At the beginning of your review, I felt like I was learning about a it continued, it started feeling like a list of strange ways to die. This seems like an excellent summary, since in fact it's exactly how horror movies always feel to me. (Kick off a story, then start the killin'.) But what I don't get is, what specifically makes this one the best ever?
