Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This past summer I went to Walt Disneyworld with my brother and my sister. I estimate the plane ride to Orlando, Florida to be about 6 hours long, so I was constantly moving around in my seat. The plane stopped at Las Vegas and New Orleans before stopping in Orlando. While I was on the plane, I was kind of scared because the plane wasn't going smoothly due to the bad weather. I had a window seat and I saw a flash of lightning in the distance. I was so scared; I thought that I might die.

Thankfully, I arrived safely to the airport. I took the Walt Disney Express to the Disney's Pop Century Resort. The resort was decorated with huge figures like a music list, bowling pins, etc. Beyond the check-in counter there was the food court which sold a variety of food like pasta, ice cream, salad, desserts, and more. During my six day stay there, I went to four parks; I went to Epcot, MGM studios, Animal Kingdom, and Magic Kingdom. I spent about 10 hours a day at each park. In the beginning, I was tired while in the parks due to the time difference. The week I was there, the weather was unusual and it was raining on and off in the afternoons.

I loved to go on all the big rides like Aerosmith's Rock'n'Rollercoaster, Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, Soarin', Mission: Space, etc. Twilight Zone was the scariest because you are in an elevator and get dropped a few times. Soarin' was educational because you got to "soar" over various landscapes across California like Napa Valley and the Golden Gate Bridge with the last destination as Disneyland. My favorite attraction in all the parks was the American Idol Experience where you get to listen to people sing and vote on who you thought was the best. There were many shows during the day and the final one was at 7PM with all the winniers from the previous shows. Sadly, the person I voted for didn't win. The winner was a girl named Holly, who won a ticket to get in the front of any line for an American Idol audition in the US. She was from Britain, so I don't know why she would need that ticket. My trip was really memorable and I hope to go back there one day.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Orphan is the best horror movie ever! Kate loses her child while she is pregnant and she continues to have nightmares about it. She and her husband, John, take a visit to the orphanage and are drawn to a appearingly bright nine year old girl named Esther, who supposedly came from an orphanage in Russia. The couple adopts her into the family and make her well at home. Esther gets along with John and Kate's daughter, Max but is disliked by their son, Daniel, who thinks that Esther is odd and denies her as a sister.

News arrives from the nun, Sister Abigail who works at the orphanage John and Kate visited, that the orphanage in Russia has never heard of Esther before. There were also many accidents that happened before in which Esther was always in the scene. One of the incidents was when a boy killed himself while falling with a pair of scrissors in his mouth. He and Esther coincidentally had an argument before his death. John and Kate do not believe that Esther would do such a thing and reassure the nun that all those things were just coincidences. The nun leaves and she brakes her car because she sees Max appear out of nowhere in the middle of the road (Max was pushed out to the road by Esther). She gets out of the car, but is hit in the back of the head with a hammer by Esther. She rolls down the hill and tries to run but couldn't escape with her injury. Esther then jams the hammer at her head until she dies. Another nun from the orphanage calls and reports that Sister Abigail did not return.

Esther hides her and Max's bloodstained clothes in their treehouse. Daniel knows that Esther killed Sister Abigail, because one time she put a knife in front of his throat when he was in bed, asks Max where Esther hid the evidence. He finds out that they are hidden in the treehouse. Daniel goes to the treehouse and is caught in a fire and locked in by Esther. He climbs out the window and clings on to a branch. He falls and hits his head on a rock. Kate and John arrive and take Daniel to the hospital. No one knows if he'll live or die......

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


My favorite character in Naruto and the Shippuuden version is Ino Yamanaka. She is the prettiest girl in the Hidden Leaf Village. She has long blond hair and is an excellent kunoichi (female ninja). She specializes in medical ninjitsu, genjustsu (illusion techniques), and kekkai ghenkai (bloodline limits). With her mystical palm technique, she can heal her comrades using her chakra. Her most powerful justsu is the ability to do mind body switch. She can enter the body of humans and animals and take control over them. However, there is a downfall to this technique. When she is in another's body, her own body is left vulnerable and she is unable to return to her body until a few minutes have passed by.

In her village all the ninjas are grouped into squads based on their abilities. Ino is part of Team Ten with Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi. Their master is Asuma Sarutobi. Shikamaru uses shadows to paralyze his enemies. He is lazy and thinks everything is a drag. The ironic thing is that he has an IQ of over two hundred. Choji is chubby and can never be seen not eating. He can supersize his body for strong taijusu techniques. The ninjas in the village are separated into four different ranks which are genin, chuunin, jounin, and the hokage who is the village leader. Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji all took part in the chuunin exams to try to promote themselves. Ino and Choji lost in their battles in the preliminaries. Shikamaru made it to the finals and gave up, but was promoted for using his brains in battle.

InoShikaCho took action again in Naruto Shippuuden. They fought against Akatsuki, an organization of missing ninja even more powerful than even jounins. They, along with Kakashi, the jounin leader of Team Seven, sought out Hidan and Kakazu in order to seek revenge for their late master who was killed by them. The two Akatsuki members were too powerful for them; Hidan cannot be killed by physical techniques and Kakazu had five hearts and could use all the chakra types ( water, fire, wind, earth, and thunder). When they were about to die, a backup squad came and rescued them. Shikamaru, with his over 200 IQ was able to trap Hidan in a forest and Naruto, from the backup squad, defeated Kakazu with his new technique, the Rasengan.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Statement of Purpose

There are many topics that Iplan to write about. The ideas that I was able to brainstorm were music, anime, food, clothes, books, Rumblefighter, Chinese dramas, tennis, swimming, family, and my trip to Disneyworld over the summer. There are many topics that I did not list because I feel that these are the only ones in which I will not get stuck coming up with ideas. I would like to write about these topics because they are things I like and are aspects of my life. Through writing about them, I can think back to the past, enjoy my memories, and reflect on how different things have played certain roles in my life.
For anime, I can write endlessly about the summary of certain stories. I can express my opinions of different characters and my predictions of how the stories will end. Comparisons between Japanese dubbed versions, English subbed versions, and books can be made. For movies I can pretend to be like a critic and give my own ratings and criticism. I have watched so many movies throughout my life time, I shouldn't run out of ideas. For music, I can talk about different artists and types of music. The media is an endless topic.
The thing that I love the most in life is food. I can talk about nutrition facts of all kinds of foods and the health benefits or problems relating to diet. Food is a good topic to write about because it is expandable to to other subjects such as heart disease and cancer. I can list foods that are suppose to help aid against diseases.
I really hope that my blog and this English class will help me improve my writing because I am a terrible writer. Everytime I have to write, especially for essays, I sigh and get nervous. I think to myself: "OMG! What am I going to write? I won't be able to write enough !" I usually end up thinking most of the time and my paper stays blank. I want my writing to be more natural, expressive, and captivating to readers. There are also grammar problems that I want to improve.