Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Red Cross Speech

Yesterday, I gave my speech for the Red Cross club. I was running for the position of corresponding secretary.The duties of this job is to be the communicator between the members and Joanne, our club sponsor who is in charge of the events; the person in this postiion has to call members that signed up for the events, ensure that they remember to go along with when and where it is, or cross them off the list if they are busy. This is my speech which I wrote many weeks ago, but two weeks ago we only had time to vote for webmaster and last week there was no meeting due to AP testing :

HI! My name is Katherine and this is my second year at Red Cross. I think that I am capable of this position because I am a hard worker, I get things done on time, and I have a good memory. I keep up my grades along with having done swimming and tennis and having a o period. I will not have any difficulty fulfilling the duties required since I always have a lot of free time on my hands. I am an active member of this club. This past school year, I have attended about twenty events, consisting of fifteen different types of events. As for why I want this position, I am running for this position because I want an opportunity to do more in the club. Since I do not have much experience in calling people except for a few weeks ago when I called people to promote measure E for swimming, I will be able to learn something new and be able to do something that is outside my comfort zone. If I get this position I will do my best to ensure that you guys know the details of events, that I call at appropriate times, and that there will not be any miscommunication of any sort.

I did not list all the events that I attended since they were too many. The events that I attended this past schoolyear were:
candlelight vigil
field trip to the red cross office in san franciso
bingo at Water's Edge convalescent home
passing out cards
holiday food drive at Bayfarm Community Church
pressure booth at the car show
cleaning ERV warehouse,
health fair at alameda hospital
disabled people's fair at alameda point
earth day fair at washington park
making cards
packing meals on wheels
setting up and cleaning up for toys for tots

I was so happy when I was done with my speech. I was so scared that when I was talking my words were kind of jumbles. I was so happy when Shuying, Amanda, and the person that I ran up against said that thy liike my speech. AND I am so happy that I am going to be the correspoding secretary next year. I am really looking forward to it. Afterwards, I sat down, listened to the speeches of the candidates for vice president and president, and voted.


  1. Great Job! I'm proud of you! You are perfect for that role. :)

  2. LOL! i finally wrote both of your blogs :D
