Friday, May 14, 2010

Ending Slavery #2

"One of these girls was Reina. At the age of fifteen, Reina was slipped across the border from Mexico by human traffickers, who lured her with the promise of a job." (p71)

This incident that Bales talks about takes place in San Diego. I was never aware of how real slavery is. I can't imagine how it can be happening right in California. My brother recently went to San Diego and he told me that it was one of the nicest cities that he has ever seen. I guess no matter how nice a place looks, evil is still lurking about. I thought about going to college in San Diego; I can imagine if I do go there in the future, I will be walking into a restaurant and wondering if those people are really there of their own will. When I think about all the illegal immigrants from Mexico, I wonder if most of them are even here of their own will.

One of the reasons that I enjoy this book so much is that Kevin Bales tells stories of certain peoples experiences with slavery like this story with Reina and how the city of Sonebarsa freed itself. Instead of telling general information on slavery, I find a specific examples more empowering. It is amazing how slaves go against their fears and rebel. I think that reading this book and how slaves and activists are fighting this evil, more people will definitely give to the cause.

Reina's story is a sad one. When I read what happened to he,r I think that her life is definitely not how life is meant to be; her baby was taken hostage and she is forced to be a sex slave. Everyone is supposed to have education, job, and happiness. I also feel pathetic how I have so many blessings, but yet I am not satisfied. As for the slaveholders, I do not know what they had gone through that they do not have consciences. Stories like hers shows how strong human beings are; despite all the hardship they have gone through, they still are able to move on with their lives.

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