Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Quickwrite: Rules of Love

The boy is supposed to pay on a date, but not to the point where he spends every penny that he has. The boy asked the girl out before, but nowadays there are girls that make the first move. They will flirt with the guy or even tell him that she likes him. Back then, parents meet the guy that their daughter is dating. In the community, people are usually acquainted with everyone else. Nowadays, Parents are clueless with their children's love lives . Kids sneak off and lie that they are doing homework, a projector, or hanging out with friends
When on a date the best activities to do are to go watch a movie, shopping, or eating out. People are so perverted and lustful these days that I think that a date can just consist of making out. The terms pimp, slut, playboy, etc. show that people often date around. They believe that they can be the most popular if they can get either the most guys or girls. However, the moral thing to do is to date one person at a time and only when they really like that person; they shouldn't ask a person out just because they are good looking; they should also like their personality. If the relationship is lust and not love, it will not last long and can result heartbreaks and unnecessary pain. Dating is out of control; people go to online dating sites, cheat on others, treat it as a game, and play with other people's emotions. People are very dissolute. Some people continue to do so after marriage. Humans are falling in moral standards. People will not feel special and feel like objects that can be disposed of . That is why it is so adorable when a couple has never dated anyone else and their realtionship lasts for a lifetime.

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