Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Winter Break

This past winter break has been the best two weeks that I have had in a long time. I did community service by helping set up and clean up for Toys for Tots, pack meals on wheels, and pass out Christmas cards. I also went to the movie theater to watch Avatar, Alvin and the Chipmunks: the Squeakal, and Sherlock Holmes. I really like Avatar and Alvin and the Chipmunks because Avatar had a good plot and there was a lot of action and Alvin and Chipmunks was a really cute movie. Sherlock Holmes was boring because there was too much talking, I couldn't here everything the characters were saying, and I was clueless on what was happening during the course of the movie.

Other things that I did over the break were stay at home and use the computer all day,go to Sacramento, and walk around the UC Davis campus. Since I was idle most of the time, I passed the time by watching anime or going on AIM. I walked around old Scaramento which looked really old fashioned because the floors were made of wood. Inside and old schoolhouse, I saw a list of the the punishments and rules for teacher and students in the 1800s. They were much more strict than the punishments and rules of school nowadays. Kids got lashes for things like coming to school with a dirty face and teachers had to stay home everyday afterschool. Male teachers were only allowed one night a week for courting purposes. While I was in Sacramento, I went inside the state capital building. There were people lined inside to go see the governor's office and I even saw a painting of the man my elementary school was named after, Henry Haight.

On new year's day, I made a mental list of my new year's resolutions. I decided to quit eating cookies, ice cream, and chips. I am not if I will be able to last since those food taste so good. I recall the new year's resolution I made two years ago. I told myself that I would never eat fries again and I haven't ate one since then, despite the temptation I faced. My other new year's resolutions are not to watch anime and do my math homework. I'll feel so acccomplished if I can keep all of these til the end of this year.

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