Monday, October 19, 2009

my dreams of the future

After I finish high school, I want to move far away from home. I want to go live in LA and go to a community college. I already planned to move in with Michelle; we've been talking about it since last year. We planned on how to be cheap and the different things that we're going to do like going shopping, going to the gym, having movie nights, etc. I decided community college would be the best for me because it is not as difficult as UC's or state universities, so I won't be as stressed. With more time in my hands, I can do more things that I want to do and enjoy my first years as an adult. I can get a job and take classes that I want to take like sports and art classes.

After two years in community, I'm going to transfer to a university. I'm not exactly sure where want to go; at the moment, I don't know what I want to study and have a career in. I used to want to be a doctor or nurse, but after thinking about it for a while, I think that it takes too much schooling. I also thought about working at like a grocery store or department store, but I might not be able to scratch a living off of such a low income and if that's the case, then I didn't need to go to college in the first place.

My career is undecided, but my other goals in life are to travel around the world. I want to go to Africa, China, Cambodia, Mexico, France, etc. to be exposed to new culture and sights. I might even move from the US and go live in Hong Kong. Hong Kong seems like an interesting place to live in; I heard that they have good food and shopping there. Also, I want to adopt kids in poor countries or support some through Compassion. I hope that my future will be a happy one and that I will live a long, fulfilling life.


  1. awwww, thanks for mentioning my name, you silly sucky tennis player! i still love you! I still have plans that i want to add to our future in LA =]

  2. After hearing so many students tell me that they haven't spent any time thinking about their future, or that they don't really care about their future, it's really refreshing to read this. I think the plans and ideas you are working on here are really, really smart. I mean that.
