Tuesday, December 1, 2009


This past Thanksgiving break was very relaxing. I got to sleep as much as I want and go online all night without having to worry about having school the following day. I was also able to do some community service for Red Cross. On Wednesday, I slept in til twelve and then walked to Bayview nursing home. I helped pass out Thanksgiving cards to the elderly in several convalescent homes. Afterward, I went to Washington park to practice tennis against a wall. I saw Nathan, so I ended up playing with him for a couple of hours.

Thursday was THANKSGIVING. I started my day by going to the Emmanuel Church on Santa Clara Ave at 8AM. I helped pack meals on wheels for those who are unable to purchase Thanksgiving meals. I helped out by putting cranberry sauce into little containers and putting them in separate bags. Later, I went to Safeway with my sister to go grocery shopping. We bought twenty cans of vegetables, ramen, and cereal to donate to the holiday food drives. For ourselves, we bought a pumpkin pie and a roasted chicken for dinner. I took a nap for a few hours til dinner and during dinner I watched a Chinese movie about gangs.

On Friday, I went shopping at Westfield Mall in San Francisco. Unlike many people that woke up in the middle of the night to go bargain hunting, I slept in and went during the late morning. It was so crowded at the mall; there were so many people that the lines for fitting rooms took forever. There was even a line to walk inside Old Navy which I thought was ridiculous. I was sad that I did not get that many things.

The weekend went by in a flash. On Saturday, I went to Meisze's house to sell lemonade and oatmeal cookies for the Hunger Awareness Club. Then I went to South Shore with Michelle to eat at Chipotle. The beauty store there had a sale, so Michelle had to go in there. She took forever looking at nail polish; she looked at the same section over and over again. On Sunday I stayed at home all day. I dreaded that there was going to be school the next day.

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