Tuesday, November 3, 2009

After writing on this blog for so many weeks, I do not see much improvement in my writing. My writing still seems boring to me; even I don't want to read it over again because I think it's so boring. Every week, I struggle to think of a topic to write about. Even though I had so many ideas in my original statement of purpose, I don't feel like writing about those topics anymore. The only good thing that I accomplish is separating my posts into three paragraphs instead of one big chunk with like fifteen to twenty sentences. However, sometimes my details in a paragraph don't exactly support the topic sentence, like in my reivew of Orphan. I didn't write anything to support why I though it was the best horror movie ever; all I did was give a summary of what happened.

I do not think that my writing goals have worked as I have planned. I'm at the same level of writing since my first blog post. I still have to think for long periods of time even for short posts of 300-400 words. Most of the time, when I have between 250 and 300 words, I stretch my sentences to meet the 300 words minimum criteria. My writing is not expressive or captivating. I still have grammar problems, but I don'tthink that they are that bad.

For the second quarter, I still have the same goals, but I am worried. If I have not improved so far, I wonder if I'll show any improvement later on in the year. Since I have no ideas to blog about I think that I should think of a new list of topics. I don't think that this post is really a new statement of purpose for me; it's more like a reflection of my writing. I really hope that I will be able to fulfill my goals by the end of the schoolyear.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear that you're worrying about your writing. My guess is that what's holding you back is the problem of thinking of topics...When you have ideas you're more interested in talking about, the writing starts coming much easier. So maybe we should talk and do some brainstorming together. Ultimately, there's only so much help I or anyone else can give you, since the decision about what to discuss on your blog has to come from you. But like I say, the best way to see a faster rate of improvement is to get plugged into some topics/ideas that you have lots to say about.

    The last thing is, stop worrying about how fast or slow you see improvement. It's not a race, and everybody grows as writers in their own ways. That's the fun of it. So try to relax, and just keep at it. Hope this helps.
