Friday, November 20, 2009


Bleach, an animated story written by Tite Kubo, tells the story of a sixteen year old boy named Ichigo Kurosaki. Ichigo has always been able to see ghosts, so sometimes he cannot tell the difference between ghosts and real humans. One day a mysterious girl shows up in his room; the girl turns out to be Rukia Kuchiki, a soul reaper. Soul reapers are death gods from the Soul Society that go to the world of the living in order to kill hollows, fallen souls, and to send wandering souls to the Soul Society. Rukia was there because she was notified that there was going to be a hollow there. The hollow appeared and Rukia was injured by it. In order to save their lives, Rukia transferred her soul reaper powers to Ichigo, who sucessfully killed the Hollow. Rukia, who was unable to get back her powers, stayed in the real world, in a gigai ( a human body for weaken soul reapers). She is eventually captured by her brother, a captain of the thirteen court guards to be tried for her crime of giving her powers to a human. Ichigo vowed to save her. He along with his friends, Chad, Orihime, and Uryu, intruded into the Soul Society to prevent them from executing Rukia. Later on, in the chaos of the Soul Society, everyone finds out that the mastermind of Rukia's execution of was Sousuke Aizen, another captain of the thirteen guards. He is revealed to be a traitor; he reveals of his plan of destroying the Soul Society. He was not alone though; Captains Gin Ichimaru and Kaname Tousen were his allies. When they were surrounded by all the soul reapers, the sky opened and a special light used by the Menos Grande (a group of hollows) rescued them. They ascended into the sky into the opening. This animated story is still not over; the soul reapers continue to fight to save the Soul Society and the world.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Prince Caspian

Prince Caspian is the fourth book of the series The Chronicles of Narnia, written by C.S. Lewis. Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter Pevensie return to Narnia magically when they were about to enter a train to take them back to boarding school. They find themselves in a strange land, not knowing that it was Narnia at first. After scouting around, they find ruins which appear to be Cair Paravel, the castle they lived in when they ruled as kings and queens back on their first visit to Narnia. They find out that during the one year they were in their own world, after returning from Narnia, about 1300 years had passed there.

Because of their fear of the Telmarines, a group of people who lived in a land next to Narnia, the Narnian creatures went into hiding. The Pevensie children help them by teaming up with Prince Caspian, the rightful heir to the Telmarine throne; his evil Uncle Miraz usurped the throne when he killed Caspian's father. He also tried to kill Caspian on the night his wife bore him a son. Capsian was only able to escape because his teacher helped him. He was chased into the forest by his uncle's soldiers and was saved by Narnians. Caspian promised the Pevensies and the Narnians that he would restore Narnia once he was made king.

Caspian, the Pevensies, and the dwarfs, centaurs, and other creatures that joined forces with them attempted to kill Miraz by invading the castle. The plan failed and they lost many comrades. Another war broke out later because one of Miraz's subjects claimed that the enemy shot the king while the truth was that Caspian let his uncle live. With the help of Aslan who arrived in time because Lucy found him, the Telmarines were defeated. Caspian was crowned king, Narnia was restored, and the Pevensies reutrned home.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

After writing on this blog for so many weeks, I do not see much improvement in my writing. My writing still seems boring to me; even I don't want to read it over again because I think it's so boring. Every week, I struggle to think of a topic to write about. Even though I had so many ideas in my original statement of purpose, I don't feel like writing about those topics anymore. The only good thing that I accomplish is separating my posts into three paragraphs instead of one big chunk with like fifteen to twenty sentences. However, sometimes my details in a paragraph don't exactly support the topic sentence, like in my reivew of Orphan. I didn't write anything to support why I though it was the best horror movie ever; all I did was give a summary of what happened.

I do not think that my writing goals have worked as I have planned. I'm at the same level of writing since my first blog post. I still have to think for long periods of time even for short posts of 300-400 words. Most of the time, when I have between 250 and 300 words, I stretch my sentences to meet the 300 words minimum criteria. My writing is not expressive or captivating. I still have grammar problems, but I don'tthink that they are that bad.

For the second quarter, I still have the same goals, but I am worried. If I have not improved so far, I wonder if I'll show any improvement later on in the year. Since I have no ideas to blog about I think that I should think of a new list of topics. I don't think that this post is really a new statement of purpose for me; it's more like a reflection of my writing. I really hope that I will be able to fulfill my goals by the end of the schoolyear.